Monday, December 27, 2010


This year I feel overly blessed. I feel so grateful for so many things: -knowledge of the church and our savior, -for a great relationship with Jordan, - for good family and friends, and for lots of food and presents. I know I don't mean to be temporal, but I really do appreciate people spending their hard earned money and time to buy presents and cook. As a child we had few presents and a when we could afford it, a small Christmas dinner. My dear sweet husband spoils me. I got some cute new nikes, perfume, baby clothes, a baby blanket(I called it!), Hocus Pocus, and 2 sweaters (one was a Colt's hoodie...I opened it and Jordan said "I know you're not a fan, but I am." lol, I will wear anything you want me to deary! Jordan got 3 new shirts (one a colt's one...we're on the same page I guess ), socks, a new wallet, body wash, a new tie, a book, 2 games, and Where the Red Fern Grows. I'm sure there is more Jordan and I can't remember- I couldn't even remember what I bought Jordan for Christmas. This is the problem with me shopping year around. It's fun though, because I get excited to see what he's unwrapping too!

We had a lot of parties to attend this week, but it was full of fun!

Have you ever seen the game show Minute to Win it? It's super funny. Jordan's aunt had us playing it at her house on Christmas eve. I was try to use my face muscles to get the cookie from my forehead to my mouth. If anyone is wondering I was unsuccessful... close though!
Christmas sweaters!!! Jordan made his all by himself!

Christmas day at grandma's :)

 Jordan's brother Brodie flew in from New York for Christmas! He played and sang beautiful songs he composed. Jordan and Cody joined him for his rendition of Silent Night.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Snow Day!

Jordan had work off on Tuesday and my manager gave me the day off, so we had a snow day! We had a little over 17" when we got up yesterday morning.  I LOVE the SNOW!!! Jordan was a sweetie, he got up and shoveled and then we built a snowman together. Afterwards, we had some yummy hot chocolate. Then we went up to Salt Lake to visit a friend who was in town from California, we went to DI to get some Christmas sweaters (we're decorating them for an ugly Christmas sweater contest Gina and Kyle are having), had Jordan's cousin and friend over for dinner and watched SALT. We had such a fun day! 

Me and Guermo!

  Jordan in our backyard!

This is what we woke up too :)

Hale Theater

Jordan and I went to A Christmas Carol with his brother,sister, her husband and their kids. It was a lot of fun! I'm a ball baby- I was trying not to cry half the play. I loved how close we were to the stage, and how the props came out of the floor!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yay school's out for a couple weeks!

I tried to play around with the blog a bit today... I'm happy we've got a Christmas background now!! Christmas countdown: 9 Days!

Nothing too exciting just work today which is kind of a nice change since I was getting burnt out on school(maybe we should have a baby just so I have something to blog about).

Today I had a nice talk  with the doc I work for, he reminded me of two things. 1) I only get one shot at being a student and 2) To enjoy this phase of life. Agreed!

Sometimes I feel pressured to move to the next phase in life.
Case in point we helped Linds and Kyle move into their first house this week, which was way fun- not to mention a great work out, but I couldn’t help but think I want a house.  I just need to remind myself that everyone is at different phases in their life (Kyle is 2 1/2 years older than Jord, and 3 1/2 older than me). So he's had that many more years of school done. I just need to enjoy going to school and living at granny's (which I do a bunch). I joked with Jordan that we will live here forever, because life’s good. Life's easy right now. Just Jordan, Douglas (our baby mule), school and work.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Came Early?

Okay kind of early... We opened a present yesterday. The Cabella's Dangerous Hunts 2011 game needed to be played. It sat there looking sad that it had never been played before... so Jordan and I did play it :) SO much fun! Only downside about the game is it's too difficult for one player. So we need to get a second gun. I still recommend it though!

Has anyone taken Bio 1600? I'm taking it next semester and I'm not looking forward to it. 5 credit classes are no fun! I want to take a PE class too, any ideas??

Monday, December 6, 2010

Buggy's Back!

Yay my husband is finally back! Yes, I am a ditcher- I did not go to English today. Only because I had a lot of catching up to do with Jordan. He got home at 1am this morning so we both weren't really in the mood for talking, just sleeping.

Jordan's at school studying for finals and I'm at home still working on the beast.

Christmas count down: 19 days!! Today Santa added something to my stocking and put something under the tree. In the stocking -I didn't peak-but it's a movie, not sure which one, but I can feel it. Under the tree something soft. I guessed a scarf and Jordan...I mean Santa...said no. I think I have an idea, but I don't want to tell him. I like surprises so I'm not going to ruin it. Between me and you, (Yes me and you, I highly doubt Jordan will not get on to look at this) I think it's something to do with baby. Dress or blanket. I'll let you know if I'm right.

Does anyone know what they're getting right now? Man why did I have to put the presies under the tree so early? I keep joking to Jordan that we should do Hanukkah just so we can have a present a day for eight days.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


So husbands been away since Friday and I feel like I'm going insane. I've been trapped in my house cleaning and doing homework all weekend. Enter 20 page paper (which is consuming my life). I feel like I will never finish it :( My lack of sleep really isn't helping my focus either. Please brain focus until we get through this semester. After this week I can finally say good bye to English classes!

Friday, December 3, 2010


Eh em' people this is my first post bare with me ;}

Good day today. Good day at work, picked up perfume from V.S. for my stocking, spent some good quality time with my handsome groom, and read a very inspirational letter from Elder Marsh (Lindsey's younger brother).

Two things touched my heart today. Elder Marsh's letter and something tender I saw Jordan do.
Elder Marsh's letter: -Background he serving in Mexico City-He and his comp. knocked on a door and when this man opened the door he said you arrived at just the right time. The man explained that his wife's kidneys were failing so she got a transplant. He heard of these men that come from the United States with energy in their hands to heal. So they asked if they could give her a priesthood blessing and they did. I cried as I read this letter. Thank you Heavenly Father for the priesthood, thank you worthy men for administering blessings.

Jordan: Jordan and an old companion left today for Oakland to be with a family (they baptized) as they are sealed in temple. I pulled up today and saw Jordan digging in his old missionary box in garage... I thought what is he doing in there? So we go inside and he's holding three small missionary contact books. He wanted to contact a women they had previously taught. My dear husband is still such a missionary. 2 1/2 years later and Jordan is still serving the people of Oakland. Once a missionary always a missionary :)