Friday, May 27, 2011

Aree the Beast Three Weeks Later

Yes the beast...let me explain. The first 2 days we kept her in the house, bad idea! We got no sleep. Between barking, crying or scratching her fabric kennel I  woke up to walk her at least 4 times. I seriously felt like we had a baby. By the third day we knew we had to by her an outdoor kennel, which she now calls home (thank you IFA). We are also teaching Aree to be house trained. So hard. Next animal has to be house broken-PERIOD.
After a lot of accidents we borrowed a friends carpet cleaner and shampooed the carpets. Just five minutes after letting her in she goes the bathroom. Shoot me, Shoot me now!
Two other things blog worthy... I let Aree in the house and she was eating something. She wouldn’t give it to me so i put my hand in her mouth and pulled it out-sure enough it was a cat turd. It was and i fighting a piece of poo out of the dogs mouth. :(((
Then just last weekend I was gardening with Aree and she was barking up a storm. Finally I called her to me and she had a big bird in her mouth. Grosssss!
At this point I'm thinking a baby would have been easier (In some ways :) ).

Catching Up

A lot has happened since the last time I blogged!
-Mid February  I bought Jordan a Honda CRF 450 dirt bike for his birthday (his bday is March 6th, I could not wait until then).
-The first of March I started a new job at CUC in the cardiology it! Well the only down-side is the free food we get everyday. Wingers, Olive Garden, etc. Everything thats good and bad!
-Fast forward to May...For Mother's Day I wanted a piggy. Yes a teacup pig. They live in the house and use the litter box. I could get Jordan on board so we went to look at one. Luckily the lady selling them lived close (South Santaquin) so we made a quick drive up to met twinkie (this is the name I gave her before I met her). So we get there and Twinkie is in a kids play yard looking soooo freaking cute. She was itty bitty, when i picked her up she fit in my hand. I fell in love with her and unfell in love with her in 5 minutes. When I fed her she went number 2, just like that... in-and-out in one sitting. The owner said all pigs do that. Turn off :(
Jordan and I discussed it and we decided no. Jordan made a good point for 2K the pig better be crapping gold (excuse my french). Afterwords I felt disappointed so Jordan and I looked online and we found a female blue healer pup for sale in Syracuse. We made the long trek and finally got to meet "Roxy" (we changed her name to Aree). After picking her up we went to Pet Smart and spoiled her :)