Friday, December 3, 2010


Eh em' people this is my first post bare with me ;}

Good day today. Good day at work, picked up perfume from V.S. for my stocking, spent some good quality time with my handsome groom, and read a very inspirational letter from Elder Marsh (Lindsey's younger brother).

Two things touched my heart today. Elder Marsh's letter and something tender I saw Jordan do.
Elder Marsh's letter: -Background he serving in Mexico City-He and his comp. knocked on a door and when this man opened the door he said you arrived at just the right time. The man explained that his wife's kidneys were failing so she got a transplant. He heard of these men that come from the United States with energy in their hands to heal. So they asked if they could give her a priesthood blessing and they did. I cried as I read this letter. Thank you Heavenly Father for the priesthood, thank you worthy men for administering blessings.

Jordan: Jordan and an old companion left today for Oakland to be with a family (they baptized) as they are sealed in temple. I pulled up today and saw Jordan digging in his old missionary box in garage... I thought what is he doing in there? So we go inside and he's holding three small missionary contact books. He wanted to contact a women they had previously taught. My dear husband is still such a missionary. 2 1/2 years later and Jordan is still serving the people of Oakland. Once a missionary always a missionary :)


  1. So true! There's just something about missionary work that really changes people - the boys and the ones they teach! I'm so glad you started your blog! And so sorry I forgot to get back to you about helping you! I would still love to help! Next time we're down that way, I'll give you a call!

  2. I'm so excited you have a blog now Corinna!
